Our Gallery
Class 4- Electrical systems- Torches (part 1), by Mrs Pickering
Class 4- Rugby with the Sharks, by Mrs Pickering
Class 6 - Flower of Life, by Mrs Foye
Class five Whitehaven Sharks, by Mr Tyson
Class five Roman mosaics, by Mr Tyson
Class 1 Banksy, by Mrs Kitchin
Class 6 - Beacon workshop (Romans), by Mrs Foye
Class 6 - Roman Shields, by Mrs Foye
How to Die - Poem read by Mr King, by Mr King
Lower school Alpaca visit, by Mrs Milligan
Class 4 Roman Shields, by Mrs Pickering
Visit from Alpacas - Year 5 and 6, by Mr Carruthers
Dr Who Ostinato - Class 2, by Mr King
Class 2 - Zoo lab experience., by Mr King
WW2 re-enactment, by Mrs Milligan
Class 1 ZooLab - A Voyage of the Beagle Revisited, by Mrs Milligan
Romans music, by Mrs Pickering
Class 4 visit to the Beacon, by Mrs Pickering
Internet Safety Day, by Mrs Pickering
Class 3 - Time Travel - The History of Computing, by Mr Carruthers
Class 1 Wheelchair basketball, by Mrs Kitchin
Design Technology - Stuffed cushions, by Mrs Kitchin
Class 3 - Wheelchair Basketball, by Mr Carruthers
Class 3 ZooLab - A Voyage of the Beagle Revisited, by Mr Carruthers
Class 3 - Make Do and Mend, by Mr Carruthers