
At St James' we aim to provide children with life skills for their future. One of those life skills is using the e-world safely and responsibly.  Please find our e-safety policy below. If you wish to know more about e-safety or would like any advice for managing your child's use of the internet, apps, or social media, click the links below to find out more. 

National Online Safety - platform guides

Internet Matters

Net Aware - Parents guide to the suitability of apps.



CEOP's Think You Know resources

Files to Download

Contact Us

Please direct all enquiries to Mrs H Maiden at the school office:

Telephone 01946 695311 or email admin@stjamesjun.cumbria.sch.uk

Headteacher: Mr Andrew Beattie

St James' Church of England Junior School. Wellington Row, Whitehaven, Cumbria CA28 7HG