Our Gallery
NISCU assembly - Easter March 2017, by Mrs Milligan
Christian values displays, by Mrs Milligan
Class build their own roller coasters!, by Mr Tyson
Marble Rollercoasters, by Mrs Hardy
Marble Rollercoasters, by Mrs Hardy
Marble Rollercoasters, by Mrs Hardy
Red Nose Day, by Mrs Rudd
Planting Sunflower Seeds, by Mrs Rudd
Christian Values, by Mr Beattie
Year 3 visit the Infant School for World Book Day., by Mrs Rudd
Class 7 improve their cricket skills, by Mrs Rudd
Class 3 - Cricket on a sunny afternoon, by Mrs Foye
World Book Day in Class 7, by Mrs Rudd
More World Book Day & Book Token Winners, by Mrs Foye
World Book Day 2017, by Mrs Foye
Class 3 - Feel the Force!, by Mrs Foye
Class 2 feel the force at the Beacon, by Mr Tyson
Jessica's Book Review, by Mrs Foye
Gio's Book Review, by Mrs Foye
Eden's Book Review, by Mrs Foye
Feel the Force!, by Mrs Hardy
Parent Open Morning, by Mr Beattie
Newspaper Edition 1 Launched, by Mr Beattie