Our Gallery
Paddle Boarding - Part 1, by Mr Beattie
Year 2 Visits, by Mr Beattie
Heart Start, by Mr Beattie
Keep the Home Fires Burning - Beacon Visit, by Mrs Hardy
Church seasons, colours and stoles, by Mrs Milligan
Class 3 Mandalas, by Mrs Milligan
Year 3 stained glass windows, by Mrs Milligan
Further pictures of day3, by Mr Beattie
London Day 3, by Mr Beattie
Further pics, by Mr Beattie
London Day 1 & 2 pictures, by Mr Beattie
Class 6 stained glass windows, by Mrs Milligan
Girls' football event, by Mr Tyson
Year 3 visit to St James' Church to look at the stain glass windows, by Mrs Milligan
Sketches of James' Church, by Mrs Milligan
Stain glass windows, by Mrs Milligan
Feet First Presentation, by Mr Beattie
New Trim Trail Installed, by Mr Beattie
Reading in Silly Places, by Mr Beattie
Spring Guitar Concert, by Mr Beattie
Aspire Football Tournament, by Mr Beattie
Bright Stars Award Cerenomy, by Mr Beattie
Decorated Egg Winners, by Mr Beattie
Easter experience in church - March 2017, by Mrs Milligan
Year 4 trip to Hawse End 2017 , by Mr King