Our Gallery
Meet our Collective Worship Committee, by Mrs Milligan
Class 4 - Christian Values, by Mrs Milligan
Class 1 Tag Rugby, by Mrs Kitchin
Uppers RE - Was Jesus the Messiah?, by Mrs Milligan
Whitehaven Chronology, by Mr Carruthers
School Photos, by Mr Carruthers
Harvest festival appeal, by Mrs Milligan
Class 4 - maths. Negative numbers, by Mrs Milligan
Judo Breakfast Club, by Mrs Maiden
Class 1 DT what does healthy look like?, by Mrs Kitchin
Aiming for a target, by Mr Tyson
Creating a presentation, by Mrs Foye
Redrafting an explanation text, by Mrs Foye
Considering the impact of air pollution, by Mr Tyson
Class 2 Beacon Trip, by Mr King
Class 1 Beacon Visit - Historical Whitehaven, by Mrs Kitchin
Class 3 - Historic Whitehaven Pt 2, by Mr Carruthers
Prayer space, by Mrs Milligan
Class 1 Whitehaven walk, by Mrs Kitchin
Year 5 - English - Dramatic Readings of Gulliver, by Mr Carruthers
100, 10 & 1 more or less, by Mrs Foye
Cricket coaching, by Mr Tyson
Class 4 - PE, by Mrs Pickering
Class 4 - climate zones, by Mrs Pickering
Word class, by Mr Tyson