Our Gallery

Protest banners, by Mrs Foye

Class 3 - Whitehaven Mosaics, by Mr Carruthers

Class 6 - more sea shanties, by Mrs Milligan

Class 4 Sea Shanties, by Mrs Pickering

An Historic Adventure Day, by Mr Carruthers

Class 1 Rum Story Visit, by Mrs Kitchin

Being me in my world, by Mrs Milligan

Class 4 Making Maracas, by Mrs Pickering

Making a pneumatic toy, by Mrs Foye

Ask your Vicar, by Mrs Milligan

RE - The people of God, by Mrs Milligan

John Paul Jones On Trial, by Mr Carruthers

Year 6 Maths - Factor Problems, by Mr Carruthers

Year 5 - Drama for Writing, by Mr Carruthers

Contact Us

Please direct all enquiries to Mrs H Maiden at the school office:

Telephone 01946 695311 or email admin@stjamesjun.cumbria.sch.uk

Headteacher: Mr Andrew Beattie

St James' Church of England Junior School. Wellington Row, Whitehaven, Cumbria CA28 7HG