Our Gallery
Class 4 - Invaders (PE), by Mrs Pickering
Year 6 Residential Chester Zoo, by Mr Carruthers
Year 6 Residential - We've Arrived at Hogwarts, by Mr Carruthers
Y6 Residential - England Equalise - Absolute Scenes, by Mr Carruthers
Year 6 Residential Day 1, by Mr Carruthers
Year 6 Cloverley Hall - Day 1, by Mr Beattie
Year 6 Residential - Chester Zoo Day 1, by Mr Beattie
Jubilee Ruler Presentation, by Mrs Maiden
Jubilee Picnic, by Mr Beattie
Running with The Marathon Man, by Mr Beattie
Class 3 - Geography Fieldwork - Rivers, by Mr Carruthers
Class 1 - river dip, building rivers and field sketches, by Mrs Milligan
Class 6 - Creating an optical isllusion, by Mrs Foye
The Whitehaven Whale, by Mr Carruthers
Class 1 - rivers trip, by Mrs Milligan
Collective worship committee, by Mrs Milligan
Class 5 Cockermouth trip, by Mr Tyson
Class 4 - Cockermouth flood fieldwork, by Mrs Pickering
Class 6 - Cockermouth field trip, by Mrs Foye
Year 3 maths - Ordering fractions, by Mrs Foye
Class 6 - What causes earthquakes?, by Mrs Foye
Football champions, by Mr Tyson
Y5 English in Action, by Mr Carruthers
Athletics, by Mr Tyson