Our Gallery
Class 1 - D&T mood boards, by Mrs Gracey
Class 1 - researching together, by Mrs Gracey
Evaluating biscuits, by Mrs Foye
Science - Finding out about teeth, by Mrs Foye
Class 3 - A Bible reference hunt, by Mrs Milligan
Class 3 - What do you know about the Bible?, by Mrs Milligan
Class 3 - Exploring the Bible, by Mrs Milligan
Foodbank Visit, by Mr Beattie
Class 1 - Science collaborative learning, by Mrs Gracey
Class 1 - D&T taste testing, by Mrs Gracey
Peter Thorpe inspired space art, by Mr Tyson
Space art in the style of Peter Thorpe, by Mrs Kitchin
History - The Moon landing, by Mrs Sharkie
P.E - Gymnastics , by Mr King
Class 3 - finished Buddhas, by Mrs Milligan
Peace - Class 3, by Mrs Milligan
Class 4 - Space Simulator, by Mr Carruthers
Class 1 Anti-bullying week, by Mrs Gracey
Class 1 P.E - Gymnastics, by Mrs Gracey
Class 6 Children in Need 2018, by Mrs Milligan
Children In Need, by Mr Carruthers
Class 3 Children in Need 2018, by Mrs Kitchin
Maths fraction subtraction game , by Mr Tyson
Building success!, by Mr Tyson
Science - Geocentric and Heliocentric, by Mrs Sharkie