Our Gallery
Play leader training , by Mr Tyson
St James’ Castle Park Run, by Mr Tyson
Living things - plant life , by Mr Tyson
Class 4 - Mime is Money - Year 6, by Mr Carruthers
Class 1 Science - plants, by Miss Morgan
Class 3 Science Experiment - Investigating birds beaks, by Mrs Kitchin
PE 18th September , by Mrs Pickering
Rounding to 100, by Mr Tyson
Under the sea at Maryport aquarium , by Mr Tyson
Science meets maths, meets P.E., by Mr Tyson
Maryport Aquarium, by Mrs Foye
Our visit to Maryport Aquarium, by Mrs Pickering
Organising living things, by Mrs Foye
Making a 3-digit number, by Mrs Foye
Oliver and the Seawigs, by Mrs Foye
Reading vipers, by Mrs Milligan
What a wonderful world, by Mrs Milligan
Class 6 - Wow in nature, by Mrs Milligan
Banksy Shhhhhhhhhhhh ...., by Mr Carruthers
Class 3 - Creation lesson 1, by Mrs Milligan
Max Out In The Lake District, by Mr Tyson
100s, 10s and 1s, by Mrs Pickering
Class 4 - Using "Envoys" to learn some history, by Mr Carruthers
Under the Sea art work, by Mrs Pickering
Hockey , by Mrs Foye