Mrs Pickering - Bassenthwaite: Gallery
Bassenthwaite and Windermere shared reading, by Mrs Pickering
Windermere and Bassenthwaite - Shared Reading, by Miss Pool
Bassenthwaite - World Book Day, by Mrs Jopson
Year three carnival masks, by Mr Tyson
Robinwood - Rapids Group - Day 3, by Miss Pool
Robinwood - River group final morning, by Mrs Pickering
Robinwood - Day 2 - Rapids Group - Part 3, by Miss Pool
Robinwood - Day 2 - Rapids Group - Part 2, by Miss Pool
Robinwood - Day 2 - Rapids Group, by Miss Pool
Robinwood - River group - Day 2 Part 2, by Mrs Pickering
Robinwood - River group Day 2 part 1, by Mrs Pickering
Robinwood - Lake group Day 1, by Mrs Pickering
Robinwood - Rapids group - Day 1 - Part 3, by Miss Pool
Robinwood Team Challenge, by Mrs Pickering
Robinwood River group Day 1 Part 2, by Mrs Pickering
Robinwood - Rapids Group - Day 1 - Part 2, by Miss Pool
Robinwood - Rapids Group - Day 1 Part 1, by Miss Pool
Robinwood - River Group - Day 1 part 1, by Mrs Pickering
Sensory Group - Food Tasting, by Miss Pool
Bassenthwaite Art- Painting techniques and texture, by Mrs Pickering
Bassenthwaite Art- Tints and Shades, by Mrs Pickering
Bassenthwaite - symmetrical and assymmetrical balances, by Mrs Pickering
Bassenthwaite- The water cycle, by Mrs Pickering
Bassenthwaite - Hadrian's wall, by Mrs Pickering
Bassenthwaite - Roman Motifs, by Mrs Jopson