Our Gallery
Y6 Residential Day 1 - Windermere, by Miss Pool
Ullswater - Chester Zoo, by Mrs Foye
Archeological visit, by Mr Tyson
Buttermere Art Week - Part 1, by Miss Pool
Ennerdale art week, by Mr Tyson
Ennerdale electricity, by Mr Tyson
End of SATs!!!, by Miss Pool
Forest School, by Mrs Maiden
Ullswater - Practical Circuits, by Mrs Foye
Bassenthwaite - late art upload, by Mrs Pickering
Bassenthwaite - Conductors and Insulators, by Mrs Pickering
Year 6 maths revision, by Miss Pool
Windermere - Investigating batteries, by Miss Pool
Year 5 - Cube investigation, by Mrs Foye
Bassenthwaite- computing L3, by Mrs Pickering
Buttermere - Building and drawing series circuits, by Miss Pool
Ullswater - Current and resistance, by Mrs Foye
Forest School, by Mrs Maiden
Fun in Sensory, by Mrs Maiden
Buttermere - Rounders, by Miss Pool
Windermere - Resistance, by Miss Pool
Derwentwater- I don’t like cricket, I love it!, by Mr Carruthers
Bassenthwaite - Rounders, by Mrs Pickering
Windermere - Electrical circuits, by Miss Pool
Bassenthwaite - Batik inspired painting, by Mrs Jopson