Our Gallery
Class 4 Mark making with charcoal, by Mrs Pickering
Printing and mark making, by Mr Tyson
Music inspired by Hans Zimmer, by Mr Tyson
Class 3 - Mayan Hot Chocolate, by Mr Carruthers
Class 3 - Mayan Death Masks pt3, by Mr Carruthers
Easter Prizes, by Mr Beattie
Class 2 - Mayan Hot Chocolate D&T, by Mr King
Class 1 - Making an Ancient Maya hot chocolate, by Mrs Milligan
Class 6 - Creating pattern using printing, by Mrs Foye
Class Photos Day, by Mr Carruthers
Class 3 - Mayan Death Masks Pt 2, by Mr Carruthers
Class 1 - Mayan Death Masks, by Mrs Milligan
Class 6 - Mark making, by Mrs Foye
Class 3 - Mayan Death Masks, by Mr Carruthers
Athletics circuit session, by Mr Tyson
Y6 Science Club, by Mrs Kitchin
Class 1 Street dance, by Mrs Kitchin
Football circuit training session, by Mr Tyson
How does pollination work?, by Mr Tyson
Year 6 Maths Turn The Volume Up!, by Mr Carruthers
Class 4 - The Easter story, by Mrs Milligan
Collective worship - The symbols of the Easter story, by Mrs Milligan
Mrs Foye, by Mrs Foye
Class 6 - Hockey circuits, by Mrs Foye