Our Gallery
Ennerdale sling shot cars, by Mr Tyson
Year 6 writing, by Mrs Foye
Ullswater - Final rugby session, by Mrs Foye
Panathlon swimming, by Mr Tyson
Ennerdale sculptures, by Mr Tyson
Buttermere - Magnetic Fields, by Miss Pool
Ullswater- DT Part 1: Doodlers, by Mrs Foye
Bassenthwaite- features of a setting description, by Mrs Pickering
Influencers, by Mr Tyson
SATs Over - Ice Cream Begins, by Mr Carruthers
Buttermere - Finding magnetic materials, by Miss Pool
Windermere - Who built the pyramids?, by Miss Pool
Mummifying a tomato!, by Miss Pool
Bassenthwaite - wk 4 cricket, by Mrs Pickering
Bassenthwaite- Viking Longships, by Mrs Pickering
A French traffic survey, by Mr Tyson
Derwentwater- Y5 English - Learning Together, by Mr Carruthers
Bassenthwaite cricket - week 3, by Mrs Pickering
Ennerdale - looking for 2D shapes in 3D sculptures, by Mr Tyson
Ullswater - Rugby league coaching, by Mrs Foye
Bassenthwaite - Forces, by Mrs Jopson
Y5 Maths - Measuring angles, by Miss Pool
Ennerdale sculptures, by Mr Tyson
Ennerdale wheelchair basketball, by Mr Tyson