Our Gallery
Sports Day 2 - more field events, by Mr Beattie
Sports Day Gallery 1 - Field Events, by Mr Beattie
Yr6 Wild Swim, by Mr Beattie
Year 6 Four in a Row, by Mrs Jopson
Year 5 - Computing Day at Whitehaven Academy, by Miss Pool
Year 3 & 4 Football, by Mrs Maiden
Pirates of the Currybean - We. Are. Ready., by Mr Carruthers
Year 5/6 - Computing Day with Microbits, by Mr Carruthers
Ullswater - Architecture, by Mrs Foye
Ullswater- Move-up Day, by Mrs Foye
Derwentwater - Eye of the Storm, by Mr Carruthers
Active Schools Cumbria Winners, by Mr Beattie
Bassenthwaite - Science Show, by Miss Pool
Bassenthwaite - Geography- Settlements, by Mrs Pickering
Windermere - Doodlers, by Miss Pool
Y6 Wild Swimming - Group 1 and Group 2, by Miss Pool
Windermere - Microbits workshop, by Miss Pool
Ullswater - Finished doodlers, by Mrs Foye
Bassenthwaite- Art- Drawing with scissors, by Mrs Pickering
Bassenthwaite - RE- How do people express faith through the arts?, by Mrs Pickering
Windermere - Art - Architecture Part 1, by Miss Pool
Buttermere - Drawing with scissors, by Miss Pool
Windermere - Olympic throwing, by Miss Pool
Windermere/Ullswater class poetry performance, by Miss Pool
Mrs Pickering's Maths group, by Mrs Pickering