Class 6 - RE - Jesus calms the storm
Class: Miss A Pool - Buttermere Year: 2019 - 2020
Class 6 watched a video showing the story of Jesus calming the storm. We discussed its meaning and made a prayer jar to help us in stormy times. We thought about how Jesus can help us get through them. We discussed the viscosity of the different liquids and watched them separate.
Here are the children's responses to the story;
Charlotte - it’s impossible to do that.
Lexi - some disciples were afraid because they nearly died Jesus said se still and it all just stopped.
Bailey - the disciples were terrified because they didn’t know that Jesus could do that.
Grace - the disciples were afraid that Jesus done that, they didn’t want to disobey him.
George - the disciples were scared because of the storm. Jesus done the impossible by commanding nature.