13/12/19 - NISCU assembly by the Collective Worship Committee

Class: Church Links & RE Year: 2019 - 2020

NISCU led an assembly all about the birth of Jesus. they used puppets to help make the assembly interactive. The meaning behind the assembly was Christmas isn’t just about giving presents it’s about spending time with your friends and family and remembering the birth of Jesus. 

Ellie, Miley & Charlotte


Children’s responses

What was the key message from today’s worship?

Christmas isn’t all about presents. 

Christmas is a time to show respect and love.


The thing I will remember best from today’s worship is...

Christmas is about spending time with your family and friends and to be happy.


How will you apply this to your life?

To be thankful for what you get at Christmas.


How did you get a chance to pray today?

Sang a song.

Quiet time.

Said a prayer.

Contact Us

Please direct all enquiries to Mrs H Maiden at the school office:

Telephone 01946 695311 or email admin@stjamesjun.cumbria.sch.uk

Headteacher: Mr Andrew Beattie

St James' Church of England Junior School. Wellington Row, Whitehaven, Cumbria CA28 7HG